December 25 Heneån /ˈhɛ.nə͡ɔn/, n. Class D. Dampener, as in something that reduces noise. Plural heneåmua. Heneåni, dampened. Aheneånit, to dampen, to reduce noisiness. Heneånịfua, earplugs. Ịf /ɪf/, n. Class N. Ear. Mė nihata miha ćofi hėa vo mėis shassåham heneånịfua.I had no mental clarity and wanted earplugs. Ịfua mėi sėin rer gianit shitarasuo.My ears rang due to the loud noise/clash. December 26…
My annual year in review post, with a focus on writing: Some stats, some project updates, reflections on how much time social media sucked away before my hiatus, and goals for 2020.
December 16 Today’s word showcases some stuff I talked about back in 2017 — namely, that the articles in Tveshi occasionally signify the difference between a general concept and a specific concept. In the opposite sense, something specific can become a general concept by adding the prefix si-, which is evident from many of the…
This is a short story — 6,200 words — about a group of young adults in their 20s who decide to go against tradition and get a house together. It is set in Tveshė, the place where Tveshi is the national language — the story takes place in West Shija, so Shiji (Mafediji) is spoken….
December 8 Sau /sa͡ʊ/, n. Class D. Journey. Sauyi /ˈsa͡ʊ.ji/, relating to journeys. Asauyit /ʌ.ˈsa͡ʊ.jit̪/, to travel. Iasau, pilgrimage. Nusauyi, culturally astute, well-traveled. Nusaukouri, someone who has made traveling a profession. Enasau, religious procession. Sauyåssị, any god to whom one prays for journey-related reasons. Saukhia, light-distance, or the journey light takes from one place to another. Efịsau, hotel, hostel, or other room where a journeyer stays. Fågoim sauyi, a traveling teacher, typically a religious officiant or…
It is once again Lexember, the time of year when conlangers work on our lexicons. Looking Back Last year, I wrote a language called Eamaru/Eamarubhe from scratch to support a creative writing project called Ossia, a story about the daughter of Salus Niksubvya who is solving the puzzle of who lived in the ancient ruins…
crush thesecertain flower petalsthe pulp redhot beneath your fingerssticky, sweet, spicywhat it touchesit changesdeepening gracewe will ascend likedoves into the heavenssee the downupon your skin,once red as sacrifice,now white as papercrush thesewings against thewindowpanesyour bed forgottenhands fadingmemoriesthis new shapecannot grasp On Twitter, Kaleidotrope (a specfic lit mag) gave a spam writing prompt. I’ve seen those…
Over the past few months, I’ve been doodling sentences in Narahji while working on one of my writing projects. While I am definitely writing Ossia in English, occasionally I have to stop and think, “How would this actually be said in Narahji or the other conlang it’s actually spoken in?” So I started playing with…
As of today, I have a short story available in The Society of Misfit Stories Presents… February 2019 issue! In “Ash Shades,” two women survive the destruction of their landing site by taking shelter in their ship. They emerge to find a local sentient species salvaging burned seeds and must navigate communication barriers to learn what happened to the rest…
This is the final leg of #Lexember! If you’ve been following my account @eamarubhe, you may be interested in following me @kayeboesme, which is active more often. I think @eamarubhe may transform into an account related to the fiction monologue podcast I am hard at work on. My development of Eamaru is related to the…