Skillbuilding in Verse #2: Second Hour of Waking

8 AM — a dull
sky oozing through glass,
storms forecast — a lull
of stillness must pass,

one more hollow hour
before work should start —
rushing to shower,
to speak prayers (by heart

memorized, rooted
and constituted
of tisane and sounds) —
while incense surrounds
and each moment moves
on a clock’s fine grooves.

This morning, I decided to write a poem about the quotidian to solidify some rhyme scheme elements I learned about while working through The Poem’s Heartbeat by Corn. There are other types of rhyming things that I would like to experiment with that were addressed in an earlier chapter, but inspiration is inspiration, and this is the poem that I wrote.

There are some elements of this poem that I like, some that I don’t — but it was fun, especially since I worked from 9 AM – 10 PM today and didn’t manage to get in more than some quick breaks for making and eating meals (and sheltering in my bedroom closet during a 30-minute tornado warning while soothing an agitated cat, which is the exact opposite of relaxing despite technically being a screen break) between answering emails, participating in a Zoom-based half-day training, and combing through Excel and Sharepoint files. Doing creative things is important to me and fills up my self-care tank even when things at work are hectic.