For many months, I have been working on a poetry collection.
If you have ever asked, “What is a modern Western polytheist response to modern social disintegration and social media?” or if you want to read poems from someone who grew up in Neopaganism and polytheism that range from hymns to reflections on growing up to devotional poetry, you will like this book.

This is my first time doing something like this, and I’m very excited. By the time I’m done, I expect to have learned many lessons about what to do (or not) when I self-publish a few novellas in the coming years. I already know that formatting text is hypnotic, and I love it.
Here is a blurb!
Acts of Speech explores performative, public, and private religious speech and how they construct identity and difference. It blends praise poetry in honor of various Gods, including Apollon, the Mousai, and Mnemosyne, with more private poems in a tense dance of parasociality and intimacy. Above all, it is a time capsule of experiences mediated by words, both the opportunities and the risks they bring.
October 29 is the date selected for its release.
Closer to the date, I’ll make a few more updates about things like cover art. I am also considering an event like reading some of the poems in a livestream on the release day.
Finally, since this is a publication update, if you’re interested in other things I’ve done, please visit my publication page.